
Fishing Rod

About Us

Horatio McCallister

Horatio McCallister

Co-owner on the Masterful Moras Fishing Corporation. Horatio is a wealthy fish baron following the success of his co-owned fish corporation founded 20 years prior with business partner Rhel. Horatio is known as a bit of an “old salt” and often spends days fishing alone, overseeing his company, or being hyper competitive with Rhel. A meiser, Horatio rarely spends any of his amassed wealth preferring to hide it away with a bevy of treasures amassed through years of fishing.

Rhel Zenator

Rhel Zenator

The other half of the two owners of the Masterful Moras Fishing Corporation. Rhel is every bit Horatio’s equal in terms of grumpiness. He spends his time fishing and spending his fortune amassed from the company he co-founded. Rhel may not always see eye-to-eye with Horatio, a relationship more strained with the differences between the pair, but he has always considered Horatio a friend.